Our Team
Daniel Ra
A letter to myself,
You were built and designed to be in a community - to not only love your neighbor but to facilitate others to be able to love one another. It's so easy to be hurt and focus on the pain and WANT your own personal reconciliation OR dignity restored but I think the best way to receive is the give. That is the conundrum of His master design in this life. When you freely give (respect, love, hope, resources), it is He, and only He that can and will reward you with even greater "riches" (respect, love, hope, resources, etc).
I know you are confused, in pain, and mentally struggling with where you need to go, or what you need to do. Take time and restore yourself within a community. It's only in a community that we feel hurt and it's only in a community that we can feel redeemed.
“We hurt in community and yet we also heal in community too.”
Choose your time wisely. If you were given an hour to wallow in crying about injustice, that's an hour you've lost - you could be restoring someone else’s dignity and reconciling someone else’s pain.
In God's perfect design, he gave us ultimate freedom. That means the priceless works of art that God designed, may, unfortunately, hurt you and hate you. Confuse them. Confuse them by loving them. One day, I pray, they'll be souls credited to your bank account in heaven.
So let's bridge across people that LIVE WORK SERVE the community, United as 1 race - the human race; loving all our neighbors without discrimination and without hesitation.
Love you brother,
You belong ...
Pastor Jason Choi
When I get to heaven and see the Lord face-to-face, I don't want to be polished and clean. I want to have bumps and bruises and cuts because I risked my own safety and comfort for the Gospel.
Easier said than done. And the older I get, the more difficult risks have become. My prayer for myself and those who partner with us is that we'd be risk takers like Peter, who stepped off the boat in his eager desire to walk on water with Jesus, only to be saved by Jesus from a lack of faith.
Walk or sink, I'm going in, attempting to walk on water like Peter, knowing full well that Jesus will save me if my faith fails.
Let's run together, take risks, and give it all to see His Kingdom come on earth. The closer we get to that goal, the more we will become family.
Irene Kim
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
I seek to live my life to love and obey my Lord Jesus Christ who saved me, and to follow Him wherever He may lead. Often I find that as I follow Christ, it is to these dark corners, to the “least of these,” to the most difficult and broken of places. But it is never without hope and never without a way out. The Lord has always highlighted to me “the least” around me and shown me His great heart for them as well as shown me what His love could do to transform lives if I just take small steps of obedience. So I am on a mission to love my God through loving Him and others, and I find my joy, my purpose in just that.